2010年6月16日 星期三

Animal idioms

Animal idioms

cat's whiskers = to think you are the best:
"He thinks he's the cat's whiskers!"

like the cat that's got the cream = look very pleased with yourself:
"He looks like the cat that's got the cream!"

cat got your tongue? = a question we ask when we think someone is guilty of something:
"Why don't you say something? Cat got your tongue?"

let the cat out of the bag = tell a secret:
"He shouldn't have told her about the party – he's let the cat out of the bag now."

put the cat among the pigeons = cause trouble:
"Don't tell her about your promotion – that will really put the cat among the pigeons."

have kittens = panic:
"The way he was driving, I was having kittens."

the bee's knees = think you're the best:
"He thinks he's the bee's knees."

have a bee in your bonnet = be obsessed by something:
"He's got a real bee in his bonnet about buying a new car. "

from the horse's mouth = get information from the original source:
"I know they're getting married – I got it from the horse's mouth."

a white elephant = something that is expensive, but has no use:
"People say the stadium is a white elephant and a waste of money."

a memory like an elephant = have an excellent memory:
"She won't forget, you know. She has a memory like an elephant."

play piggy in the middle = be caught between two sides of an argument:
"Because they aren't talking, I've been playing piggy in the middle."

make a pig's ear of something = make a complete mess of something:
"You've made a right pig's ear of this. Let me do it!"

in hog heaven = be very happy:
"We gave him flying lessons for his birthday – he was in hog heaven!"

pigs might fly! = something is as unlikely as pigs being able to fly:
"Do you think the government will cut taxes?" "Pigs might fly!"

have butterflies in your stomach = be very nervous about something:
"She's got butterflies in her stomach – it's her driving test today."

til the cows come home = do something for ever:
"I can tell him til the cows come home not to be late, but he never listens."

take the bull by the horns = face a problem and take action:
"I'm going to take the bull by the horns and tell him I've changed my mind."

get someone's goat = annoy someone:
"It really gets my goat when she criticises him – it's not as if she's perfect herself."

a loan-shark = someone who lends money at high interest rates:
"Don't borrow money from him – he's a complete loan-shark."

have a whale of a time = really enjoy yourself:
"They went out and had a whale of a time."

like a fish out of water = feel very uncomfortable in a particular situation:
"He feels like a fish out of water in a suit – he much prefers wearing jeans."

with your tail between your legs = feel guilty or ashamed:
"He told us all that he was leaving, then he came back ten minutes later with his tail between his legs."

in the dog-house = when you know that someone is angry with you:
"I'm in the dog-house – I forgot to do the shopping."

the lion's share = most of something:
"She did the lion's share of the housework."

in the lion's den = in a dangerous place:
"The interview was like going into the lion's den – they asked some very difficult questions."

a snake in the grass = someone who can't be trusted:
"Don't tell him any secrets – he's a snake in the grass."

bug someone = irritate someone:
"He's really bugging me about the holiday! I wish he'd just go away and leave me alone."

worm your way in = be nice to people so that gradually you get yourself into a good position with them:
"He wormed his way into the finance department to get a job."

monkey about = play and not work:
"Stop monkeying about, will you? We've got loads of work to do!"

make a mountain out of a molehill = make a big issue out of something small:
"Don't worry about it – it's not important at all. You're making a mountain out of a molehill."


About Facebook 「讚」


A.擴散性依統計平均每個 Facebook 使用者有 130 位朋友,因此每一個「讚」,平均將會增加此一連結 130 個PageView。


C.內容量化:因為每一個「讚」背後,都代表著一個類似於粉絲專頁的效果,如果每一個網頁都做好 SEO 及Open Graph protocol 的良善編輯,當使用者於 Facebook 中進行搜尋時,將增加被搜尋到的機會。

D.精準化行銷:運用程式設計與規劃,將動態消息送達按「讚」的使用者,這不就是 Facebook 行銷中所可達到的精準化行銷。

247Facebook 網路行銷

2010年6月14日 星期一


Nike2010年世足「突擊行銷」 愛迪達內傷




所謂突擊行銷(ambush marketing),指的是並非活動贊助商,卻透過廣告戰把這場活動與公司的形象連結在一起,潛移默化地讓消費者以為活動與該公司有合作關係。這類廣告戰常瞄準世界盃足球賽、奧運會這類國際運動盛會。



很明顯看出 Nike比較懂得行銷 做出來的廣告片很有梗
英國魯尼的火爆個性 加上 巴西卡卡與小羅納度的迷幻步伐
還有Kobe在打NBA總冠軍賽 也露出幾招拳腳功夫
最後加上西班牙C羅納度的英氣挺拔 完全找大牌的現役球員來告訴我們世足到來了
緊張好看的比賽 有腳上功夫的較勁 與 帥氣神勇的球員 吸引男性球迷與女性的尖叫

反觀 adidas的影片 我是比較不懂星際大戰的梗 光劍是挺屌的
但貝克漢也沒參加本屆世足 請他出來露露臉 是消費他的剩餘價值嗎?
而且也沒有營造出世足比賽緊張刺激的元素 實在可惜


Promotion Event

地點是 新加坡的樟宜機場Singapore Changi Airport
一開始一個人跳舞 後來越來越多人 尤其感覺是身旁的路人跑進去跳XD
就有一股好似 星爺電影內的氛圍 共有超過四百個人參與
最後Ending 大家一同把一張紙向空中甩出 然後大家又裝作沒事 一哄而散
接下來鏡頭帶到 宣傳紙上 上面寫著Be a Changi Millionaire
說明這次的行銷活動 是新加坡的樟宜機場在2010年六月舉行了百萬富翁的抽獎活動
這個行銷的Idea很有創意 但是好像少了些什麼 在Youtube觀看次數上只有約四萬...

這個的Case是比利時的Antwerp中央車站 Central Station of Antwerp (Belgium)
約有兩百位舞者 在只排練兩次的情況下演出
相同的想法 在Youtube上卻有一千七百萬人的觀看次數

可見相同的行銷活動 不一定可以直接轉移使用
也許是文化上的差異 也許是影片呈現的效果 能不能達到共鳴
也許是行銷活動與要表達的事件 之間的match-up
電視節目的宣傳 用這種輕快音樂加舞蹈 可以深刻的連結起來
百萬大抽獎活動 用這種快閃族的幽默 可能讓人摸不著頭緒

2010年6月8日 星期二



1. quite 相當 quiet 安靜地
2. affect v 影響, 假裝 effect n 結果, 影響
3. adapt 適應 adopt 採用 adept 內行
4. angel 天使 angle 角度
5. dairy 牛奶廠 diary 日記
6. contend 奮鬥, 鬥爭 content 內容, 滿足的 context 上下文 contest 競爭, 比賽
7. principal 校長, 主要的 principle 原則
8. implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的
9. dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放棄 dissert 寫論文
10. pat 輕拍 tap 輕打 slap 掌擊 rap 敲,打
11. decent 正經的 descent n 向下, 血統 descend v 向下
12.sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水
13. later 後來 latter 後者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近
14. costume 服裝 custom 習慣
15.extensive 廣泛的 intensive 深刻的
16.aural 耳的 oral 口頭的
17. abroad 國外 aboard 上(船,飛機)
18.altar 祭壇 alter 改變
19. assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音
20. champion 冠軍 champagne 香檳酒 campaign 戰役

2010年6月1日 星期二


內部效度(Internal Validity)



外部效度(External Validity)

獲得研究結果是否能推論/一般化( generalizibility )。
母體效度(Population Validity):樣本推論至所代表母體的程度。
生態效度(Ecological Validity):樣本推論至其他母體的程度,外在效度的一種,指情境的可推論性,亦即根據研究情境的研究結果能否推論到不同情境的信心程度。

影響生態效度(ecological validity)的因素(影響推論至非研究的一般情境)

Crobach α係數

Crobach α係數是由Lee J.Cronbach在1951年所提出,是目前社會科學最常使用的信度分析方法。

Crobach α係數為一種測量內部一致性的信度分析方法。


Crobach α係數愈高,代表量表的內部一致性愈佳。

通常Crobach α係數要大於0.7以上,代表此量表構面具良好的信度。


P-Value (P 值) 是在統計檢定中用來顯示「顯著性」的指標,反應出虛無假設成立的可能性。
因此,P 值越小,表示檢定的結果越顯著,越可以拒絕假設檢定中的虛無假設。

P-value > alpha 落入接受區 不拒絕虛無假設(non-reject H0)
P-value > alpha 落入拒絕區 拒絕虛無假設(reject H0)


For example,想要知道吃藥與沒吃藥之間有沒有差別,於是我們就去做研究,得到一些數據。
然後,就要做統計檢定。通常我們的虛無假設會是「吃藥與不吃藥沒有差別」, 因此當我們得到 P 值之後,就可以根據這個值的大小,來決定實驗所得到的結果到底有沒有差別。
一般來說,如果 P 值小於 0.05(reject H0),我們就會說是吃藥與不吃藥有差別的,如果小於 0.001 那麼就會是有非常顯著的差別。